
▲Founder / Paula & Chairperson of the Board/ Georgie

Christian Salvation Service (CSS) is a registered non-profit social service organization in Taiwan. CSS begins at Hualien Home for unwed mothers in 1983. Our goal is to continue to save and enrich lives. In so doing we strive to show the love of God to all we meet by both our work quality and our personal faith.

Over the last four decades CSS helped more than 2000 families. Of these families some were saved from being broken in the crisis of their child’s health condition. Many families were built through adoption when needy children were placed with committed adoptive families, so their needs can best be met. More than half of these children we served are adults living a full life and contributing to the society they live. Each and every one of these individuals is worthy of celebration and are full of possibilities in making this world a better a place.

In 2021, CSS redirected our services. The decision in providing supports, training and making connections for the women and children in dire needs and empowering their ability to make better home/s, is meeting a real need. Within just a couples years, we served hundreds of women, children and their families. Our experienced nurse and care-givers provide guidance and hands on teaching to young and inexperienced parent/s that lack resources, or family support. During the challenging time of pandemic, videos were made for those cannot come or receive service in person. Follow up visits to these families led us into further in-depth assessment of their physical and environmental situations so CSS team can make sure the needs of the young ones are not overlooked or ignored.

Our 40 years of serving vulnerable women and children equipped us to zoom in on what can be done that will proactively improve their chance of providing a better prepared home of safety for themselves.

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